Elementary » Student Safety

Student Safety

Inclement Weather Procedures for Outdoor Activities

  • When cold weather is upon us, Pomeroy Elementary will access Weather Underground for the area: https://www.wunderground.com/q/zmw
  • If either the “real feel” (which takes into account both wind chill and solar heat) or the actual temperature is below 15 degrees for the 15 minute recess and the before school recess, and below 20 degrees for lunchtime recess, we will ask that you make accommodations to house students inside for recess. We will also use the national guidelines (chart below)
  • We also ask that staff carefully monitor students while outside and take necessary steps to ensure students are appropriately clothed/prepared for the cold weather play, watching for signs of frostbite, other cold-related issues and/or associated medical conditions that may require notifications to certain student’s situations.