Boys Basketball

Team Motto:
“Limits, Like Fears, Are Often Just An Illusion”

Playing time is determined by the following:

  1. Ability to help the team win
  2. Combination of basketball skills and effort. Hustle all the time.  Not just when you feel good.
  3. Be a good teammate and leader. Be positive and help your teammates be the best that they can be.

In order to earn a Varsity letter a participant must:

  1. Must play a minimum of 32 quarters.
  2. Must play the minimum quarters and/or make a contribution that helps the team.  Coaches will decide if the contribution is significant to the success of the team.
Head Coach: Chris Wolf

I have been coaching basketball for the last 13 years.  I started by coaching youth basketball and then moved on to Junior High and AAU basketball.  Three years ago I was the Junior Varsity Coach assisting Coach Brian Koller, and last year was my first year coaching the Varsity.


Tentative Summer Sports Schedule attached below.  Schedule is tentative and subject to change.